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欧盟批准转基因大豆DAS-81419-2×DAS–44406-6 及其产品投放市场

放大字体  缩小字体 时间:2021-08-26 09:52 来源:188bet滚球游戏  作者: 泽夕   
核心提示:据欧盟官方公报消息,2021年8月17日,欧盟委员会发布(EU)2021/1387号条例,批准由转基因大豆DAS-81419-2×DAS–44406-6 组成或由其生产的食品和饲料投放市场。
   食品伙伴网讯  据欧盟官方公报消息,2021年8月17日,欧盟委员会发布(EU)2021/1387号条例,批准由转基因大豆DAS-81419-2×DAS–44406-6 组成或由其生产的食品和饲料投放市场。
  On 2?March 2016, Dow AgroSciences Ltd, based in United Kingdom submitted, on behalf of Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in United States of America, an application to the national competent authority of the Netherlands for the placing on the market of foods, food ingredients and feed containing, consisting of or produced from genetically modified soybean DAS-81419-2 × DAS–44406–6, in accordance with Article?5 and Article?17 of Regulation (EC) No?1829/2003 (‘the application’). The application also covered the placing on the market of products containing or consisting of genetically modified soybean DAS-81419-2 × DAS–44406–6 for uses other than food and feed, with the exception of cultivation.For the products covered by this Decision, no specific labelling requirements, other than those provided for in Article?13(1) and Article?25(2) of Regulation (EC) No?1829/2003 and in Article?4(6) of Regulation (EC) No?1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council?(5), appear to be necessary. However, in order to ensure that the use of those products remains within the limits of the authorisation granted by this Decision, the labelling of the products containing or consisting of genetically modified soybean DAS-81419-2 × DAS–44406–6, with the exception of foods and food ingredients, should contain a clear indication that they are not intended for cultivation.The Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed has not delivered an opinion within the time limit laid down by its Chairman. This implementing act was deemed to be necessary and the chair submitted it to the appeal committee for further deliberation. The appeal committee did not deliver an opinion.
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